Thursday, January 22, 2009


("Ice birds") **

There's a gelateria around every other corner here in the Altstadt ("Old City", just generally the physical and social center of Regensburg - and many other German cities). But of course, we also have quite a long winter here (around November to late April, yes, I'm glad you sympathize), and while the gelato is immensely popular during the summer, nobody is in the mood for a big scoop of tirimisu or pistachio by the time we're deep into my-nose-is-freezing-off season.

From Beautiful Regensburg!

A great number of the gelaterias are run by Italians (huge surprise). So get this. When winter comes around, all of them close shop, hang a sign on their door thanking the patrons and telling them when they'll be back, and go home to Italy for a few months.

You know what that really is? The Italians partake of seasonal migration! Like birds! Oh my heavens! They literally fly south for the winter!

Alright, so you might or might not be as amused as I am by this, but I think it's just a riot, and you know it won't hurt you to humor me.

** Note to the title: The German word Eis is used for both the English terms "ice" and "ice cream". You literally ask for one scoop of Eis when you order ice cream, and so on. So... my unbearably witty title is even funnier after you know that linguistic tidbit. Gosh, I'm just full of myself today.

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