Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Time Photo Update

There are some new pictures up from both the Regensburg and Nürnberg Christmas Markets. They have been added to two different albums:




Anonymous said...

Just so you know Elaine, your blog is an inspiration. I've been reading along the whole time but as with most internet things I lurk rather than posting comments. So here's one and it says that you're awesome, and I love reading about all your adventures. Hope you're having good holidays.

This is irrelevant but...

I leave for Japan in 5 days!

I'm a little excited.

I'm going to try to do a blog too, but it probably won't be as eloquent and frequently updated as yours. I'll send you a link.

Zhela said...

Aww... Your comment just made my day! I'm glad to have you in the audience, regardless of lurkage ;) . And I hope you've been having some nice holidays as well!

I had no idea you were heading to Nippon, especially within the next week! From the looks of your last posts, you seem ready to take it on. I'm really excited for you :) . Study abroad kicks arse. Oh, and a random first tidbit? Stay away from your American friends :D . They are cool, hang out with them when the occasion arises, but really... Go out of your way at least occasionally to make friends with native speakers (alternatively, other foreign students who are also enthusiastic about speaking as much Japanese as possible). The progress of learning the language is exponentially faster when you do not use English all the bloody time! :D

Best of luck, I'm really happy for you! I'll be lurking back, too!