Monday, February 02, 2009

Bus Strike

Oh, criminy. Here is an e-mail I just got this afternoon.
Liebe Studierende,

es kann sein, dass morgen, 03. Februar 09, alle Busse in Regensburg und Umgebung streiken werden. Momentan ist es noch nicht sicher, aber es ist wahrscheinlich.

Bitte checken Sie die Homepage des RVV für aktuelle Informationen, heute abend und morgen früh.
Wenn gestreikt wird, finden sie dort Informationen.

Bitte bedenken Sie: wenn keine Busse fahren, müssen Sie zu Fuß, mit dem Rad, mit Taxi oder einem Freund, der ein Auto hat, an die Uni kommen. Planen Sie auf alle Fälle mehr Zeit ein, damit Sie rechtzeitig zu Ihren Prüfungen an der Uni sind!!

Which translates to:
Dear students,

it's possible that all busses in and around Regensburg will be on strike tomorrow, February 3, 2009. At the moment, nothing has been decided yet, but it is highly likley.

Please check the RVV homepage for updated information (this evening and also tomorrow morning):
If there will be a strike, you'll find information there (German only, I'm afraid).

Please consider that if there are no busses tomorrow, you either have to walk to university, ride your bike, take a cab, or go together with a friend who has a car.
You need to leave home a lot earlier so that you can be on time for your exams/classes.

Fortunately, none of my exams this week are tomorrow. I have an exam at 08:15 on Thursday. That would be highly unfortunate.

Also, it's bloody cold outside right now. Regensburg gets a fairly long, hard winter.


Jane said...

...why could I read most of the german email?

*so confused*

the only thing I didn't catch was the leaving home earlier part at the end...
I wish I had time in my schedule here to take a language...

btw. I hate word verification. I should use the handicap button because I almost always get the first one wrong.

Zhela said...

Probably because the grammar and vocabulary at the beginning is easier and the structures at the bottom of the e-mail are harder. End of story.

Hahaha... Word verification. Maybe for your dear sake, I'll try taking it off for a while and seeing if any bots try to swarm the fort :P .