Saturday, October 04, 2008

False Friends

Heads up, English speakers. "Der Winter," "die Maus" and "das Bier" may be easy English-German cognates, but the word "das Gift" in German means "poison, toxic, venom" .


S said...

This has nothing to do with Germany but....

AAAaaahhhh! Your piddly college football team is beating MY college football team!!!! *ack* ^_^ I know you don't care, but it's kind of a lot sad for me...

War eagle!

Zhela said...

Yeah. I must admit that I care about as much as you care about what my suitemate is planning to have for lunch on the second Tuesday of November. But hey, I guess it's still something of a miracle when you hear about our team actually getting anywhere :P . Especially against your team, which has always held a significantly better football reputation.