Saturday, November 08, 2008

Heil, Caesar!

I am epically failing certain campaigns in Caesar III (PC game) because I checked it out from the library, and it is, as it were, in German. Ergo, my advisers are sitting here throwing a slew of tips and advice and suggestions at me, and half of the time, I often have no idea what they're trying to tell me. Sure, "You need more markets," and "The goddess Ceres is seriously annoyed with you and might soon decide that some smiting is in order," aren't so hard to understand. But all this vocabulary with the economics and the tax system and trading between my town and the next Roman pit of civilization over keeps hurling at me faster than I can pull out das Wörterbuch (dictionary) and look it up.

Oh. That's funny. It feels like all of my university lectures in German. Only, my lectures are five times worse, and five times more important.

(But GOOD NEWS! If you haven't realized by now, I finally fixed my computer and got it to work! It was complicated and nothing that I could have guessed, but the godforsaken thing works now).

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

I'm glad your computer is working again. =)