Saturday, January 17, 2009



Apparently, I look just like someone named Mariane ("mah-ree-AH-neh", not Mary-ann, you Americans) when seen from a bridge above while I'm shuffling and walking through snow on a frozen river.

I looked up when she called my name, like you do when you know a call is being directed right at you. There was also no one else near me.

"Mariane?" once again, and I shook my head.

But what interests me now is that apparently, I look so much like this person that even after I looked up, the girl who called down to me didn't do the thing where you mis-recognize a person, apologize briefly, and walk away. We weren't that far apart in distance between the top of the bridge and the river. She looked at me for a good moment and hesitated before moving on, even after I smiled and shook my head.

Practically, I think it's easy to mis-recognize someone in winter when everybody is bundled up and has similar articles of clothing everywhere. But it still makes me wonder just a little bit.

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