Friday, April 24, 2009


"Also, hallo, ich heiße Lena, und ich bin eine Austauschstudentin aus den USA. In Regensburg studiere ich Germanistik, und ich bin hier seit... letzten September oder so."

I was sitting on the second row in one of my seminars today. Since it was the first day, we went around the room and introduced ourselves. As it comes around to me and I introduce myself, I almost couldn't help myself from laughing.

The instant that the words, "-and I'm a foreign exchange student," come out of my mouth, I watch all five heads on the first row individually whip around and look at me with sudden surprise and curiosity. I'm betting there were several other heads behind me that simultaneously looked up from their desks at that moment, too. There's nothing wrong, I don't feel offended or discriminated or anything. It's also not an uncommon response. Instead, I find it hilarious.


Anonymous said...

Elaine.... as I see it, they were just surprised you don't have the typical "American" accent. Ja. Wirklich. Die waren bestimmt verwundert, dass Du so gut Deutsch kannst :)


Zhela said...

Das wäre sonst auf jeden Fall eine gute Vermutung, Marcin, aber... ich habe das sie auf *Englisch* gesagt. Hahaha. Also Wahnsinn, oder?