Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Der Besuch der Alten Dame

So! Tonight I went to see my first Schauspiel ("play", as in theatrical) - Der Besuch der Alten Dame ("The Visit of the Old Lady," but I think it's just translated as "The Visit" in English) by Friedrich Dürrenmatt. There's really no other significance, besides that it was good and I rather enjoyed it, it just felt slightly landmark-esque. But I'm not really sure why. They clapped in between acts (years of majoring in a performance art trains you not to do that), but at least they didn't do the default, "polite" staaanding ovaaaaation like I see bloody everywhere in the States. Performed at the University of Regensburg, student tickets €5,00 .

(On that note, commas and periods are swapped for price markings here in Germany. So what we would write as €1,234.56 , the Germans write €1.234,56 . You might or might not have known that.)

And happy First Post in the Three Digit Figures on The Deutschland Blog to me. By the way, how was America today? I didn't see the inauguration and all that. I'm sure I'll feel the surging tsunami soon here in land-locked Bavaria from the gargantuan gush of emotion that the entire country is probably spewing today. Calm down, half of you will be ridiculing his every move in a few months before you even know it.

Oh! But I guess one more thing, since I'm on the topic, and I've watched this video a dozen times because I find it so amusing (and made with a lot of time and hard effort):

The Barack Roll


S said...

It was awesome. Just... sitting in the student center and seeing all of these college students CARING so much.... it was amazing. If nothing else, Obama is very good at making people optimistic. I'm excited to see what happens.

Zhela said...

Hm, that is pretty inspiring - that that many students would care. I mean, besides 6-month-olds, we're usually very nearly the next most apathetic group, right?

Everyone is so excited. I'm usually pretty skeptical of politicians of any kind, but... I do hope he does well.

I saw a FB status from a friend in California the other day that said, "Good riddance, you son of a Bush." ;)

S said...

That's the thing that actually gets me, that people are so ah... "hopeful." It's good because it is really what is needed right now in this country, people that care. I am not sure I trust the guy (he is a politician, after all, and I don't agree with a lot of his agendas), but it's still good that he is the kind of man that can make people care about their country. That's very inspiring.

Zhela said...

Agreed. The fact that he is changing the motivation level is something significant in itself, at least. Even if they are all still dirty politicians one way or another ;) .