Wednesday, April 29, 2009

You Swine!

Ah. How splendid.

It was just announced on the news this morning that the first case of the Swine Flu in Germany has just been documented in - none other than - good old Regensburg.

It was reported in the surrounding county, so the case fortunately wasn't within the main city itself. But you must admit that we've really got to hand it to Murphy again this time. Gosh darn it, Murphy. *shakes fist*.

At the moment, I am still not certain if I should bring this to my mother's attention. I had only just convinced her how safe I was here. Sigh.

(Ironically, the pig is an animal/symbol of luck in Germany).


S said...

Google maps shows no cases in Germany at all, and only two confirmed cases in all of Europe (Scotland and Spain). I think you'll be okay. Europe and NZ seem to be in a panic, they have a TON of unconfirmed or negative cases.

Zhela said...

Why would Germany be less updated about its own swine flu cases than Google?

S said...

I was thinking more along the lines of: Germany, like many other countries, has a "probable" case of swine flu, which the WHO hasn't confirmed.

Jane said...

Hey, at least you didn't have 50 highschool students come down with it in your current area of residence :D

Anyways...hate to shamelessly promote, but I'm shamelessly promoting...I've got a t-shirt design up for scoring and it needs scoring! link->

Wish I could figure out how to put the picture in....

Zhela said...

Guh, I was already posting an ad for it on my first blog, I'm way ahead of you.