Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Weigh In

It just occurred to me that because I have no scale here, I have gone for a whole year without a clue as to how much I weigh. This is not so remarkable, but I also suddenly realize that this hasn't happened to me since I was... three years of age? Hehe. Just one of those little things, I guess. Nothing special.

Oh! As it was the last day of class for one of my seminars, the professor had suggested last week that we all meet at a beer garden this evening at around 7:00pm for a final nice chat all together. Not too many were able to show up because it's basically exam week right now, but I took a break from my Hausarbeiten (final essays) and went right at 19:00 . I think the professor was really glad that I did. Everyone else had to get there late and the poor professor would have had to, so to speak, hold the fort and keep our table for 15 or so by himself for a good while.

At any rate, I love, LOVE meeting up with professors outside of class. Every professor is his or her own person too, and I feel that as students, we frequently either forget that or ignore it and don't try to mingle with professors on a casual and personal level outside the class. That's a shame, I find. It's simply developed this way, or perhaps stayed this way from olden traditions. Even professors themselves are often hesitant, of course, though I do know a few who are also of the above mentality and would love for students to talk to them more on a personal basis. But I could go on on that tangent for ages. It's this final essay's topic that I need to go on about for a few ages longer... *sigh* .

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