Monday, September 01, 2008

Shuttle: Munich to Regensburg!

Upon arrival in Munich, I was so worn out that lugging my 60+ lbs. of luggage behind me and navigating my way through the giant airport using only German to locate both an exchange station and the shuttle meeting point seemed like swimming down the length of the Amazon with a dead badger tied to my waist.

BUT I MADE IT. Despite feeling lost, lonely, helpless, weak, tired, and an overwhelming feeling of, "Quoi???," I made it. I exchanged enough to pay for the shuttle (€35) and finally found the shuttle meeting point. I was probably some 45 minutes late, with slight arrival delay and lost wandering calculated in.

The shuttle takes up to 6 people at a time in a van. So get this. Among the other passengers is a young German couple traveling home together, probably students. His girlfriend is next to him, I already made him and the entire group enormously late, I nearly got on before the driver said it was okay to, yet this guy politely opens the front door for me when we're all ready to board. That's manners. All I am is some confused foreign idiot tripping over the native language like a frog on stilts who delayed their trip going home by nearly an hour. And he still made sure to get the door for me and see that I was seated.

I just thought that was nice. There's a number of you boy-people out there who could definitely pick up something good from this.

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