Monday, March 23, 2009

Czech It Out!

I was away in the southern Czech Republic from Friday afternoon until yesterday evening.

and Alex and Ilona (on the right),

crash at Ilona's friend, Radka's, place for the weekend

in Prachatice, Czech Republic.

Ilona and Radka speak in Czech to each other for much of the weekend, and we also visit a good handful of Czech bars in the evenings,

which translates to Alex (who is German) and I having noooo idea what is being said. Alex learned "thank you" and "please/you're welcome" during the trip. The only thing conversational I knew how to say before hand was, "Hey, darling! How's it going? Good! And you? Doing well too, thanks. I am a parrot." Which is amusing but understandably limited.

Fortunately, this didn't at all get in the way of a good trip.

Good times to be had in the Czech Republic. Czech out the photo album for more. Ahoj!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey hey :) And when will you make a trip to southern Poland? (meaning Silesia? ;) )
