Friday, September 19, 2008

"Ich Lerne Deutsch"

("I learn/am learning German")

For the month of September, all of us foreign exchange students are taking an intensive language course in German, basically so that when actual university classes start, we won't get run over quite as quickly or horribly by the new, overwhelming amount of German. (Um... we hope.)

All 70-80 of us took a placement test to see in which of the 4 levels we were all to be divided, which range from no German experience whatsoever to having a pretty darn good and conversational grasp of German. Luckily, I got slotted into the fourth and highest or "advanced" class.

We've had the same main teacher up until yesterday (I'm trying not to cry that she's gone now), because she had to leave before the course's end. Ergo, we had a new teacher starting yesterday, and everyone went around the room again to introduce his/herself, much like a first day of class. The usual stuff: Name, country of origin, years of German studied, major at university, etc.

What I now realized as of yesterday is that about 90% of my class has had about 8-11 years of German in school.

This was a very big but pleasant surprise. I have only had 3-4 years of German, only 1.5 of which were in actual German classes in school. And I'm in this class!!

I'm trying not to float to the ceiling with pride for myself.

(PS -- Let's just not talk about how Claudio from Italy has only had 2 years, and Jóse from Spain has only had 3 stonking months, both of who are also in my class. That's just unnatural. They are probably living freaks of Nature. That is incredibly fast language learning for not living in a country of that language. Or even living in that country, too.)


S said...

I always knew you were smurt! *grins* Yay!

Although frankly I think the answer is that you are incredibly dedicated. Of course you are intelligent, but a lot of people are smart. Being dedicated/hardworking is what separates you from others.

Zhela said...

That's a good point, and I won't deny that I'm typically more devoted to learning the language than most of the people here :) . I wouldn't say that except for the fact that... it's obvious. Everybody here usually slips back into either their mother tongue or English as soon as they step out of the classroom. Probably more on that later. By the way, send me some kind of message telling me who you are. I'm somewhat certain but still don't actually know. Your profile is also more or less useless to me for it.

Leia =) said...

elaine = wonderwoman.
(or however you say that in German...)

Zhela said...

"Wunderfrau" ;)